Cash or Car - Business Profile

Your Business Profile

To get started we need some information about your business. Don't worry if you haven't got all the details now - use our sample figures then come back and change them later.

If you have the cash to buy outright we'll also ask some additional questions.

We won't keep any data you provide - close your browser and the data will be erased from our servers (but your browser may keep data for longer and this is beyond our control).

To get help on any selections click on the '?' button in the top right of your screen.

Once you've completed the information click on the 'NEXT' button.

Once you've completed the information click on the 'NEXT STEP' button.

About Your Business:


Your business's tax rate:


Your employer's NIC rate:



Your VAT recovery rate:


When do you recover VAT?


Capital / Insurance

Can Your Business Pay For Cars In Cash?


Your annual insurance premium per vehicle:



Contact Us

Whether you're a personal buyer, fleet operator or company car driver we have the most advanced tools you could ever need to help you choose your next new car or van.

From vehicle technical data to advice on buying or leasing, it's all here waiting for you.

So dive right in, or why not get in touch?

You never know what else we might know ....

   0333 444 0400

(+44 1792 224319 from outside the UK)


0330 444 0400
(+44 1792 224319 outside UK)